24 April 2010

Everything Has a Beginning, Everything an End

Well blog o' sphere...some sad news here.

We lost the baby...not sure why or how, or even when...all I know is that it happened around a week or so ago, and my body has just now decided to let me know! I'm sad, but at the same time I guess its a blessing in disguise bc in reality we cannot afford to have another baby right now.

I dont wish this pain on anyone though. The physical pain I am in right now sucks. Bubble left yesterday, so he knows, but cant do anything for me. Thankfully I have some pretty awesome friends that are here for me...I thank God for them everyday, but especially during trying times.


  1. I thank God for them too, since I can;t be there with you physically. Mom

  2. Aw honey, I'm so sorry!

  3. Dear Michelle, I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I love reading your blog to see how you all are doing. I'm thinking of you, and praying that you begin to feel renewed soon. Sending love, Katie
